Frequently asked questions of users

Yes, buying a property in Hungary can help you get an investment residence visa. This type of visa allows you to live in Hungary and enjoy the benefits of living in this country.

The process of buying a property in Hungary usually takes between 2 and 3 months. This includes finding the right property, going through the legal process and completing the transfer of ownership.

Yes, foreigners can buy property in Hungary. Of course, there are some special regulations and restrictions for foreigners buying property that must be followed.

In addition to the price of the property, there are additional costs such as transfer taxes, legal fees, deed fees, and possibly realtor fees. Usually, these costs make up about 4-8% of the total price of the property.

Yes, it is usually recommended to have a local bank account in Hungary to facilitate financial transactions related to the purchase of property. This bank account can also be useful for paying current expenses and receiving rents.

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